Monday, September 24, 2012

Farewell, Brussels...

After four months in the states, I'm back in Brussels for The Big Move. Handing over the apartment keys and leaving this historic city will be bittersweet. It's been a great 2nd place to call home and as much as I want to be closer to my family in California, it will be sad to leave the many things I've come to love about Brussels. If you've been following my bog, I think you'll agree that I succeeded in my mission to search out the array of colors this great city has to offer. This wasn't easy since gray was often the only color I'd see for days on end. The problem is, between the sights I saw, the museums I visited, the food I devoured, the flowers I admired, the parks I discovered, the winter I endured, the architecture I studied, the bookshelves I perused, the festivals I attended, the people I hosted, the dozen or so other countries I visited, and especially the good friends I made, I'm not ready to say good-bye! So, without further ado, I'll share some of the things that I'll miss most...

The flower boxes

The colorful cafes

The 100+ museums

The delicious cuisine (we love de Valera's Irish Pub)

Karma, my favorite store in Brussels

The quirky sculptures

The Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

The scarf bombs (this was taken at my son's school)

The castles!

The pretty flower shops

A rare sight, the sunrise over Brussels (taken on a recent plane ride)